Class Roster

Ackeret Rachel School Social Worker
Alston Lesa Early Childhood Consultant
Antell Penny Elementary Principal
Berning Melissa EC Teacher
Bessette Suzzann Early Childhood 4K
Boettcher Cheryl EC
Brown Teresa 4K Teacher
Chialastri Mary Birth to Three Program Coordinator/ ECSE Teacher

Choren Deb Paraprofessional/Special Ed.
Dargiewicz Michelle Early Childhood Itinerant Teacher
Devine Jeanne Occupational therapist
Fermanich Dawn Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
Goetz Donna Psychologist
Gross-Ackeret Marlene Regional Technical Assistance Coordinator
Haupt Diane Director of Special Education & School Psychologist
Hausher Emily 4K Teacher
Hovey Sherry Speech/Language Pathologist
Knetter Michelle 4K Teacher
Lane Trish Speech/Language Pathologist
Lopez-Martin Tanya Oneida FACE parent educator/co-coordinator
McElroy Lichelle Teacher
McKillip Ann Center Coordinator
Michalak Barb Speech/Language Pathologist

Musial Tatyana EC Special Ed.
Olson Rachel Physical Therapist
Perry Shawna SLP
Poulsen Angie Speech and Language Pathologist
Primakow Sarah Early Childhood Teacher
Rakowski Kara Principal/ EC-4K coordinator
Reitman Nancy RN PNCC
Rocque Tracy Special Ed. Pre-k-12
Strelow Kristi Parent Educator
Swift Fran Parent Educator
Truttman Barb Parent Resource Center Educator
Wagoner Valerie Early Childhood Cross Categorical Special Education
Woods Pattie 4 K Coordinator
Wysocki Christine Kindergarten